Saturday, December 31, 2005
Ending 2005....
God, thank you for your provision and love! You continue to amaze me!
Have a great 2006! It is going to be awesome! Also what a way to open 2006 by going to worship tomorrow morning with the body of Christ!
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Why did I spend all day working on the FUSEBOX (youth hangout for the NewSpring Church Student Ministry)? I did not HAVE to, I was not required to do it, but…I wanted to! I want to be a part of something that will have an impact on people; I want to make a difference in the lives of people! I want to be a part of God’s work, if that means working on a youth hangout by spackling holes, vacuuming the floor, painting the walls, taking out the trash, then…let’s get to it!
There are things in your life, which you do because you want to, you have a passion to do! Let me encourage you, do it! Be passionate about the things that God works in your heart about! I do not know what that is or will be, but what a way to spend your time!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Up Early.....(Not to Bad)
John 3:30, “He must become greater; I must become less.” What a powerful verse! I wake up early and get to be slapped in the face with the reality of God powerful presence! Thank you God for loving us so much that you desire to spend time with each one of us!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Long Time.....
Merry Christmas (belated) and Happy New Year!
Monday, October 31, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
South Carolina 16, Tennessee 15
If any body has the video of the game, please post a comment to let me know! I was unable to watch because Deanna and I were working on our new home (painting, sanding, etc.) What a great game to listen to on the radio!

Thursday, October 27, 2005
Lick a foot?
Last night at FUSE, we had a great night! We had 135 students and 28 adult leaders there! It was a great night. Perry Noble came and gave a great message! He laid it down and the kids were so in tune with it!
Before we got the night started we played a game of "EAT or DON'T EAT." Basically we show a close up picture of something and then ask "EAT or DON'T EAT" One of the pictures was of a blistered foot! It was gross!!! The most unbelievable thing was that we had a girl take the challenge that she would lick the foot! YES, she licked the blistered foot! WOW! I still can't get that picture out of my head!
What a great night! Lots of fun!
Monday, October 24, 2005
For the message, I shared a gospel message with the students of IGNITE and the Spirit was moving. We had 19 students raise thier hands to accept Christ! I was blown away! Afterwards, I was at the back of the the room and got to see so many of our adult leaders sharing with the students who accepted Christ. My heart was moved by this opportunity for the leaders to minister to the students on a personal level and to see students come into the kingdom of God!
Thank you Jesus for allowing us to experience you in a great way last night!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Save the world!
Now when I read this scripture I wonder if the emphasis should be "NOT" (with a little bit of raised voice when you read it!). God's focus was not condemation, but salvation of the people out of His GREAT love for us. Which makes me ponder, what should be my focus in life?
Last night, I shared the gospel with our High School students at FUSE and used John 3:16 as the focal passage. We were blessed to have a young lady accept Christ love for her for the first time! Thank Jesus!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Well, the post title said community, but I had to give a little update! Tonight, I am teaching at FUSE on Biblical Community, as we prepare to start LIFE Crews. LIFE Crews is the small group ministry of the puzzle at FUSE. Our theme verse for LIFE Crews is 1 Thessalonians 2:8, "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you onto only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us." Here is our logo for LIFE Crews:

Thursday, October 06, 2005
Lectio Divina
Last night at FUSE, we did something a little different. Jonathan taught the students the spiritual discipline of Lectio Divina, meaning "a slow, contemplative praying of the Scriptures which enables the Bible, the Word of God, to become a means of union with God."
Below you will see the steps for Lectio Divina, but allow me to say that last night was powerful! Not only to see students looking to God’s word to speak to them, but to hear over 120 students and over 25 leaders praying together was awesome! The best way to describe it was a holy roar or holy rumble! I praise God that he is sooo big that He hears all our prayers and knows us by name! Thank you God, for loving us so much that you desire to communicate with us through prayer and your Word!
Here are the steps to Lectio Divina for a group setting:
Listening for the Gentle Touch of the Word
1. One person reads aloud (twice) the passage of scripture, as others are attentive to some segment that is especially meaningful to them.
2. Silence for 1-2 minutes. Each hears and silently repeats a word or phrase that attracts.
3. Sharing aloud: [A word or phrase that has attracted each person]. A simple statement of one or a few words. No elaboration.
How the Word speaks to ME
4. Second reading of same passage by another person.
5. Silence for 2-3 minutes. Reflect on "Where does the content of this reading touch my life today?"
6. Sharing aloud: Briefly: "I hear, I see..."
What the Word Invites me to DO
7. Third reading by still another person.
8. Silence for 2-3 minutes. Reflect on "I believe that God wants me to . . . . . . today/this week."
9. Sharing aloud: at somewhat greater length the results of each one's reflection. [Be especially aware of what is shared by the person to your left or right.]
10. After full sharing, pray for the person to your left or right.
Thursday, September 29, 2005

Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Saturday, September 24, 2005
We will post more pics later, as we get them! Right now, the closing is set for the end of October! In the meantime, we will go through inspections, appraisal, etc! So, if something changes, we will post it! PRAISE THE LORD!!
Friday, September 23, 2005
Today we also went to look at a house for sale! Well, we liked it! We actually put an offer on the house! It is great and if everything goes well, I will post some pics of the house very soon! Thanks for your prayers!
Monday, September 19, 2005
In verse 28, Paul says, “For in him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’” Paul quoted the poets of that time and of that culture. In reading that it spoke to me that Paul spent time learning and knowing the culture of that time, so that he could ENGAGE the people. For me, that has challenged me to learn, to investigate, and to be acquainted with the culture of today’s student, so that I can ENGAGE them! Our student ministry at NewSpring is and will continue to ENGAGE today’s students to reach them for the kingdom of Christ.
I challenge you to always be aware of the people that you have been given the task to minister to. God has called me and placed me to Student Ministry. A ministry to students grades 6-12. I need to spend time learning and knowing their culture, so that I can ENGAGE them! Take time to learn the culture, spend time with them, and build relationships with the people, so that you can ENGAGE them with the gospel. Example: We do not sent missionaries to Americanize other countries and then tell them about Jesus? NO!!!!! We learn the culture, the people, and then we ENGAGE them where they are! ENGAGE those around you with the gospel! The gospel is the best news this world can hear, so the time spent studying is well worth it!!
Here are his points of the sermon:
1. Participation - We suffer with Christ. 1 Peter 4:12-13
"He who fears to suffer, cannot be His who suffered." Tertullian, 2nd Century
2. Purification - We are tried, tested, and cleansed. 1 Peter 1:6-7
The stronger the flame, the deeper the cleansing!
3. Dependence - We learn humilty and trust. 1 Peter 4:19
4. Growth - We become more like Jesus. Romans 8:17
Be sure to go to NEWSPRING (click on current series on the main page) and download the message for 9.18.05! It will bless you!!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Theses verses speak loud and clear!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Deanna and I have been looking at a particular house and I decided to get my brother-in-law, Matt Knotts, to go with me and check the house out. (You know a house can be like a good book, looks great on the outside, but is a dump on the inside. The book could have a great look, great couple of chapters and then fall apart after that!) Well, needless to say, I wanted someone who I trust to give me their honest opinion; if there is anyone to that it is Matt. Let me first of say this, Matt is smart! The man is going to college at night after a hard day’s work, come home and is a great husband and father, then stays up studying for his classes. By the way, he has a 4.0 GPA! (Yes, he is sort of related to me!!) So needless to say, I felt very comfortable with his advice. He is also the modern day Mr. FIX-IT. It goes to say that anybody who knows Matt will say the same thing! Case in point: When Deanna and I bought our first home in Florence, we had some things that needed to be fixed (a legal size page full of little fixes that take up time). Matt took some vacation days and came down and took care of the whole list in 2 DAYS!!! I said, 2 DAYS!!! What are you kidding me! When we sold out house, it sold very well, because of Matt’s help!!
Back to my story, Matt starts looking around and starts saying all these things that I do not understand about building codes. Crawls around under the house, checks out the attic, check the bathrooms, the ceiling, everything! He found some stuff that looked a little shady, which I am so thankful for! Here is a man that does not have to give me advice, but is willing! He cares about his family and extended family (maybe more on that later) so much that he wants to protect them from other problems! God has gifted him to be able to retain a lot of knowledge to be very particular about different things! He allowed himself to be used tonight! What a huge blessing that was for me to see and experience!
I pray that I will be that way, that I will allow God to use me in the areas of my giftedness. I want to be in the ZONE! I want to do the thing that pleases the Leader and Forgiver of my life, Jesus Christ.
Matt you are the man! Deanna and I love you and appreciate you and Dana allowing us to stay in your apartment over garage until we find a house (you would think that he would be saying, just buy any house, it doesn’t matter, just get out of my house!)! YOU ROCK MY FACE OFF!
Last night at FUSE was excellent. We saw 143 students at the FUSEBOX! Jonathan shared his testimony, and talked about how we should all be aliens of this world. Earth is not our home, but Heaven is our eternal home!
After FUSE, Amber, Jonathan, Deanna, and I got invited to dinner with some of our youth. We ate Brick City Grille and it was excellent. Laurna, Marissa, and Hoyt, thank you for allowing us to hang out with you guys! We had some great conversation and it was great to hear your thoughts about the Student Minsitry at NewSpring.

Going to look at a home this afternoon! Keep us in your prayers, as we continue our search or a home!
Friday, September 02, 2005
WOW! This week has been unbelievable. I want to share in the week of "Firsts" with all of you!
- Monday was my first day at NEWSPRING!!!
- Tuesday was the first time that I got to be apart of Creativity Meeting with Perry and some of the other staff! Man, that was awesome to be apart of brainstorming the service with that group of people!
- Wednesday was the first time to meet Jonathan & Amber! By the way, this couple is AWESOME!! He is the man and I am thankful that I get work with him in building the BEST Student Ministry in South Carolina, Southeast, United States, and WORLD!!!!
- Wednesday was our first FUSE! Jonathan and I were introduced by Perry with the awesome Student Ministry Staff doing a hilarious skit/video! Jonathan, Perry and I fielded questions from our students. Let me just say that some of them were TOUGH!! Here are some pix from the night. You can also check out Jonathan's page for the pix as well (I took them from him, I did not have a camera at the time ;)
Perry, Jonathan, and I doing a little Q&A with the students at FUSE!
Student Ministry Staff together for the first time!
- Thursday was Jonathan's first day! It was great to sit down and talk with him and hear him share his heart with me. Jonathan is the real deal and his vision is outstanding! He is the man!
- Thursday was also the beginning of college football with USC Gamecocks defeating UCF 24-15! What a great day Thursday turned out to be!!
- Friday - My first day off! It is crazy, but I could work and not bother me! I LOVE MY JOB!! It is so wild that I get paid to spread the name of Jesus with students all over Anderson, SC!!!! Thank you Jesus, for the best job in the world!
I am sure there will be more FIRSTS, but that is all for now! What a great list! Later.....

What a game last night? ---- USC 24 - UCF 15 ---- Yes, I know that it was ugly, but the potential that we saw last night was awesome! We know that Steve Spurrier can coach, but if he keeps this up, he will become a legend to change the USC Football Team around! By the way, if you do not like Steve Spurrier, we do NOT care! You must agree that the man CAN coach a football team!
By the way, the black visor looked awesome!
Check out all the details on the game here! USC-24 UCF- 15
Please take the time to read and get to know the awesome staff that I am working with!
I am so thankful that I serve at a church with a pastor with strong convictions. When the Lord speaks to him and our staff, we move, we do not wait around and ask other people (committees), but we do what the Lord told us to do! Thank you Perry! You are the man!
If you are in the Anderson area on Sunday, be at NEWSPRING! See you on Sunday!
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
Today was a great first day at a great church! God is getting ready to blow the doors off of NewSpring and all the ministries of NSCC. Pray for Jonathan and Amber, as they are traveling as I type, today they loaded the truck and began the looooonnnngggg trip down to Anderson. It is going to be great to get Jonathan down here and plugging away at the student ministry of NewSpring.
Thanks for all your prayers for us in this time of transition. God is doing some great stuff, Deanna and I are amazed that we get to be a part of it! Note: Deanna did some job hunting today, but nothing that looks promising; still keep this a matter of prayer! God blessed us by getting in touch with an insurance agent who is not hiring, but knows a lot of insurance agents real well and he is making some calls on Deanna’s behalf. We will keep you updated as we walk through this process! God Bless!
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Tonight, we went to IGNITE (6th-8th Grade Ministry) at the FUSEBOX! It was awesome to see 133 middle schoolers tonight. Pudge Huckaby, the Elementary School Pastor at NewSpring, spoke about the conspiracy theory that the world loves you and God and your family doesn't, which is false (He made that quite clear!)! He did an outstanding job!
After IGNITE, Jake and Suzanne Beaty invited us over to their home to have dinner. It was an awesome time of fellowship and learning from another married couple that absolutely loves Jesus! I am excited to be working with Jake, who I got to know in College and be a youthworker under when I attended NewSpring in college. Tonight was the definition of fellowship, not just the awesome Chinese food we ate, but how much we enjoyed each other's company and learn from one another. God has his hand on this family and has blessed them tremendously! Take a moment to stop and think, when is the last time that you sat down and enjoyed fellowship with someone/a couple. If it has been a while, remember that we are called to fellowship with other believers so that we can be encouraged, built up, taught, loves, cared for, and more importantly honor God!
Tomorrow is my official first day at NewSpring! I am so excited!!! Be praying for Deanna as she goes in search of a job tomorrow! More later.....
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Today, I stopped by the NEWSPRING offices and got to see some of the part-time staff. Tommy, Tyler, and Caroline were there plugging away! It was great to get to see there excitement and also see that my office is connected to theirs! I am stoked about getting to work with them! God is getting ready to take this ministry to another level! Jonathan Herron is the man that God has called to shepherd this ministry. Please pray for him as he is speaking at a camp this week (His wife, Amber, is so faithfully tying up loose ends!) They will be driving from Michigan next Tuesday and Wednesday (that is soooooo long of a drive). Oh by the way I forgot to tell you, God is getting ready to take this ministry to another level!
Deanna and I will be looking at another house tomorrow! Say a brief prayer, not that this will be the house, but we will be patient and wait on the right one for us!
One side note, if you are looking for some deep theological thought everyday, you won’t get it here – I ain’t that deep ;), check out Perry’s Blog or Jonathan’s Blog!!
More later…..
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
After some time of house searching, we went by Circuit City and Wal-Mart for some things that we needed and then headed by the house. I finally got my desktop up and running this afternoon and updated with virus protection, etc.
Tonight, I got to experience FUZE, the High School Ministry of NewSpring Community Church. WOW! It was awesome to see 177 students from all over Anderson, SC there to learn more about Jesus Christ. It was also great to meet some of the volunteers of the student ministry. They are doing an outstanding job! I cannot wait to get to know each of them! Each one that I talked to had such a passion to reach the students and share with them. Tonight was so awesome! Thank you Lord, for allowing me to experience that tonight and to look forward to being apart of that every week! Once, I get my hands on a digital camera, I am going to post some pics! Have a great night and enjoy the present…..
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Continual Amazement…..
By the way, I got the opportunity to talk with the NEW Lead Pastor to Students at NewSpring Community Church, Jonathan Herron. He and his wife, Amber, are in the process of moving from Michigan down here to the good ole’ south. Please be praying for them during this transition in their life. I am really looking forward to working with him, he sounds like a really great guy. They got some great news today, as the offer that they put on a house was accepted! I know that they are really excited and ready to get down to Anderson. It is great to be coming in at the same time as him, which I believe will help with the transition for the both of us. Be sure to check out his blog, it is always a great read!
Tomorrow, we are meeting with a local realtor (By the way, no realtor could be better than Nancy & Bobby Ellis, REMAX Professionals, Florence, SC! They listed our house and sold it in 22 hours! You guys are the bomb! Thank you for all you have done for us!) to see what is available in the Anderson area for potential lodging and protection from the weather elements. Please be praying for us as we search for the house that God would want us to live in. That is a big decision and we do not want to take it lightly! Just think, the house we buy, could change someone else’s life for eternity. I could have the opportunity to share Christ with my neighbors and see them become followers of Christ. How cool will that be! I cannot wait to meet them!
Check back later to see more updates on our transition to Anderson, SC…..
Monday, August 22, 2005
After the packing for the WHOLE day, we got ready to go to dinner with Barry, Donna, Kara Moon and Matt Dickerson to celebrate Barry’s BDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARRY! Barry, You are the man and I thank God that our paths crossed! You are a lifelong friend! Anyways, this was a great time to spend with great friends (also our second family in Florence). Deanna and I are so thankful for the friends that we gained from our time here in Florence.
Please be praying for us as we travel tomorrow and getting settled in at our temporary home (over the garage at my sister-in-law’s house), which is another blessing, that we do not have to rent an apartment until we find a house! We will post more later…..
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Our Cup Overfloweth…..
Secondly, tonight was a humbling experience. Tonight Deanna and I had to say goodbye to FBC Florence. They held a reception after the evening worship service for us to say goodbye to the church family. I cannot say how many times we hugged, shook hands, and cried with somebody. It was great to be able to also laugh about so many memories that were made during our time at FBC Florence. God greatly blessed us by allowing us to serve at a great church. We saw tonight and felt that our cup overfloweth, with blessings of serving at FBC Florence.
Tonight, the youth group gave me a scrapbook, with pictures from some of our many adventures. This book is filled with some great memories from our time together. At the end of the book, they left it open for people to sign and write a message, as I read through the many notes, God reassured me that He used us at FBC Florence. One young girl state, “I have grown so much in my walk with Christ, with you being my youth pastor. Thank you for all you have done for us.” Another stated, “You were always willing to go through so much for each one of us and you stilled loved us anyway.” WOW! Thank you God for allowing me to be a small part of these students’ foundations in their walk with you!
My prayer for the Crossfire Student Ministry at FBC Florence, it that they will continue to grow in the grace, knowledge, and wisdom of our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ. God is doing some great stuff in the lives of the students at FBC Florence and we are grateful to be a small part of it! Deanna and I love you and will continue to be praying for you!
Be praying for us tomorrow, as we are packing for our move to Anderson, SC. We will spend the day packing and tying up loose ends and then heading to Anderson to start house hunting before, I begin at NewSpring on August 29th. More random thoughts…..later.