Saturday, September 30, 2006
Looking Forward.....
I am also looking forward to tomorrow! Every Saturday, I look forward to Sunday. Tomorrow, will be a GREAT day! There are going to be a ton of people at NewSpring, Lindsay Owens (our New Middle School Ministry Assistant) joins the team tomorrow, we will be having IGNITE at the main campus, and Jesus is going to rock some lives of some people tomorrow!!
I hope that you are looking forward to tomorrow, if you are in the area - join us at NEWSPRING Church (services at 9:15AM, 11:15AM, and 6:00PM)! Have a great tomorrow!!
Monday, September 25, 2006
214 salvations!
Check out our pastor's thoughts here.
Thank you God for the opportunity to see that happen!!
Oh, by the way, we had 175 middle school students at the FUSEBOX for IGNITE!! God is doing some great stuff.
I am also very excited that Lindsey Owens is joining the Middle School Staff! She is the new Middle School Assistant and will add a TON of experience, knowledge, wisdom, and the much needed "feminine touch!" Welcome to the team, Lindsey!!!!
Friday, September 22, 2006
New Series...Change...Fun Times

I spent the time, last Sunday, telling the amazing of David and Jonathan from 1 Samuel. This week we are going to be looking at the qualities of loyalty and common faith.! Should be a great time! We will also have a special visit from TONY MACARONI, our Italian friend.
Also next week, we are going to be meeting on the main campus at NewSpring. We are having a special service and wanting everyone on the main campus! Be praying for me an the Middle School staff as we are planning and working out all the logistics of next week. It will be a challenge, but I LOVE challenges and seeing them happen!
More to come later!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
"We just got finished with pickup at Ignite - the water gun fight was over, David had just taught a GREAT lesson on THINKing before you peak - and all the students are gone. I gathered the staff together and gave directions to the Smith's house. We were all very excited about eating a home cooked meal together. I was one of the last to leave the FUSEBOX, I was halfway into my 15-20 minute ride to the Smith's house and my cell rang. On the other end, was my boss telling me that the alarm had gone off at the FUSEBOX. He asked "Can you go check it out?" I very reluctantly said, "Yes!" Much to my dismay/anger/unhappiness, the alarm was NOT going off when I arrived back at the FUSEBOX.
I proceeded to get back in my car and begin my journey once more. During my ride to the Smith's house I proceeded to get really mad about the fact that I had to turn around and miss some awesome time with my volunteers leaders. Well, I finally arrived and everyone was already eating and having a great time. So, naturally I was a little more frustrated. Anyways, I got some food (Anna made this chicken lasagna, WOW! It was out of this world, I literally scraped the pan it was in), and waited on dessert. Got my dessert (I was second in line!!) and sat on the porch and waited for some people to join me. Anna Smith makes a to die for Swiss Chocolate Cake with Hershey Bar Pieces. It is awesome! David Hall walks outside and tells me that Mr. Smith needs to talk to me.So, I walk inside and asked Mr. Smith what he needed, and then David brings in a bag and tells me congratulations on my one year anniversary at NewSpring working in Student Ministry. All the leaders were hooting and hollering and acting like a bunch of Middle Schoolers (GO FIGURE!) So I open the card first and they start chanting open the gift. I open up the bag and a leather wallet looking thing is on top. I smiled, because lately I was carrying a velcro wallet (Yes, the one you carried in 5th-6th grade)! It made me laugh, but much to my surprise, I looked down and there was an iPOD in the bag. WHAT?!?!? Yes!!!! My staff and volunteer team gave me a video iPOD! I was overwhelmed!"
I was speechless (Now that was a surprise to everyone!) I always have talked about wanting an iPOD, but could never get one! NOW, I HAVE ONE!!! YES!!!
Let me say this, the iPOD is GREAT! I love it, but the thing that overwhelmed me the most was the fact that my staff and leaders thought enough of me to get me this awesome gift. That college students would give money (that a lot of them do not have a lot of) to a gift for me was out of this world! I have the BEST staff and the BEST leaders! You all hit it out of the park each and every week! You make a difference in the lives of students each week! God is using you in some awesome ways, oh by the way; we have only hit the tip of the iceberg of what God is going to do through this ministry.
Once again, thank you for the iPOD, but more importantly thank you for serving Jesus through IGNITE and allowing me the privilege to be the leader of an awesome team. YOU ALL ROCK MY FACE OFF!! Here is a salute to all of you: YOU GUYS ARE PHENOMINAL!!!
To close the story: After I opened the gift and tried to say a few words. I sat down at a table with Brittney Harris and Scott Murray and some other people. I was talking to Scott as he was explaining everything to me about my new iPOD. I look at him and said, "I feel like a complete jerk for being ill and mad about turning around and then I get the socks blessed off of me! Sorry God! Thank you for loving me in spite of me!!"
What a great day! See you later! Don't forget First Wednesday tonight at 6:30PM!!