Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Familiar Verse To Us....

Familiar Verse To Us All....
Lately, the Lord has been moving in my heart and it has caused me to really turn to His Word. (When the Lord moves it can be exciting and scary-in a good way, I personally love it!!)
First of all let me say that God's word is timeless, sharper than a two-edged sword, creative, and the best book I have ever read. Secondly, I am so thankful that God had the great idea to give us the Bible.  I think back to the days when the Bible was being written, those guys did not even have the Bible and their faith was astounding.
As I have been spending time in God's Word and in communication with Him, God has been revealing so much to me. I want to take a verse that is familiar to a lot of people, some people say that it is their favorite verse, some quote it in tough times, etc. (By the way, isn't it great that God has something to say to us in every season of our lives! Go God!) Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
Notice that there are three things that we are to do: 1) Trust in the LORD with ALL your heart, 2) Lean NOT on your own understanding, 3) In ALL your ways acknowledge Him. What a minute....So, God is telling me that if I do these three things then my paths will be made straight? Yes, that is what the Lord is saying to all of us! WOW!!!
(Don't stop reading yet, keep on reading!!!)
Now we must be careful with those three things, they require all of you. I truly believe that the reason the heart is always the center point that we must give to God is because that is the center of who we are. My heart pumps blood to the rest of my body, which takes oxygen to my brain and other organs.  Without my heart there is no me! (I won't get into the whole scientific deal, because I would mess it up, but you get the idea!) 
With the promise that God gives in this verse, "and he will make your paths straight," we must remember that the path may not look straight to us. Not all paths we walk will look straight, there may be some that look windy, curving, hilly, and any other word that can be stated, but we have been given assurance that God has prepared that path for us. My prayer is that I will never depend on my own understanding (because it is very limited) but will walk the path that God has laid for me. 
Take a moment to really allow God to speak to you through His word. You will be amazed how clearly He will speak to you! “Be still and know that I am God…”  May God continue to bless you as you spend time with Him!


Anonymous said...

It's really awesome how God looks down on us and knows who we are to become. Sometimes it's really tough to trust that He has it all under control because we as humans question things. But when we put our faith in God, He never leads us astray. It's nice to know that I don't have to do everything alone and that I have God with me. That is so encouraging.

Anonymous said...

I just randomly came upon your blog as I was googling "IGNITE logo", which is the name of our on-campus Christian group too! Anyways, I just wanted to say that your entry has been a blessing to me. And to encourage you to continue to share what you have learnt, coz you never know who may stumble upon your 'random thoughts' and find encouragement and reassurance like me.. All the way in Australia...
God bless you, man..
