Friday, January 06, 2006


Tuesday, I received many phone calls letting me know about an accident that one of my former youth was in while on a ski trip. Of course, my heart went out to her and her family! As it is with most situations, the story always gets a little messed up and I am sure that there were “many” different versions of the story floating around. Regardless, when I heard, I felt helpless!

Needless to say, I feel that when something goes wrong, I want to find the quickest solution and “fix” the problem (I am a guy and that is the way we think)! Well, I could not do a thing in this situation! I could not do anything, nothing, nada (you get the point)!

That was until I realized that I could ask my heavenly father to intervene. I could actually pour my heart out to God! WOW! I could do something, I could pray for the young girl and her family, the doctors and nurses!

**By the way, I was in a meeting when I received the call, I went back in and told the people about the situation. Their response was amazing! They stopped the meeting and we prayed! We collectively asked God to intervene! Thank you Michael, Sandy, and Meredith for being an awesome team to work with! You rock!**

Needless to say, the young lady is doing fine and it going to recover! Was it because of anything tangible that we could do? No, it was the wonderful working power of our Lord and Savior.

God, thank you for being the God that is totally in control. Thank you, for being the God that desires for his children to pour our hearts out to him! Thank you, for being the God that listens! Thank you God that we are NOT helpless in any situation, we can pour our hearts out to you! You are amazing!

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