Friday, August 04, 2006


The other day, I had the privilege to be in an interview for a position at our church.  Of course, I was told to ask any questions that came to my mind.  So…I did.  There was one question impaticular that I was glad I asked.  Not only to hear the person’s answer, but to ask myself this question.  

The question was, “In ministry, there is always something else to do, always something coming around the corner, always another phone call or letter, or email to write.  Your time will always be filled with something to do.  What is it that you enjoy doing that is a “release” for you?”

We get tired, which can lead to burnout if we are not careful.  Don’t always go and go and go and go that you end up neglecting everything else in your life.  This is something that I MUST be careful of in my life!  

Although, every night when I am going to bed and I am tired from a good day’s work, I am still thinking about ministry.  I am still thinking about my students.  

Recently, I started running (supposedly to train for a half-marathon) which has become a release for me.  Needless to say, that when I run, I am thinking about ministry.  Last week I was running on Wednesday and I remember finishing up my sermon for Sunday while I was running.  I am constantly thinking, dreaming, planning for ministry.  I can’t stop thinking about it!  Some would call me possessed, some may call me stupid, but I pray that it is seen as PASSION; passion for Jesus, for the lost, for middle school students, for the church, and so much more.  

At the end of the day, I am glad that I spent my energy and gave it my all, but I am so glad that I don’t get “weary, sick, tired” OF ministry!  Sometimes, it is so easy to get sick OF ministry.  I pray that when I get physically tired that I rest, but I also pray that I NEVER get sick OF ministry.  May God continue to swell up a passion in me that continues to grow and burn!  Thank you Jesus for allowing us to be a part of your Kingdom work!

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