Thursday, September 08, 2005


Sorry for my long delay in getting another post up on the blog! It has been mad crazy here at NewSpring! God is doing some great things through the ministry of NewSpring and it is an honor to be a part of it! By the way, NewSpring is donating over $20,000 to the relief effort, on behalf of the over 4,000 people who attended this past weekend. Check out our new webpage to see what else we are doing to help in the relief effort! It is great to be a part of a church that just doesn' talk about doing minsitry, but puts feet to it!

Last night at FUSE was excellent. We saw 143 students at the FUSEBOX! Jonathan shared his testimony, and talked about how we should all be aliens of this world. Earth is not our home, but Heaven is our eternal home!

After FUSE, Amber, Jonathan, Deanna, and I got invited to dinner with some of our youth. We ate Brick City Grille and it was excellent. Laurna, Marissa, and Hoyt, thank you for allowing us to hang out with you guys! We had some great conversation and it was great to hear your thoughts about the Student Minsitry at NewSpring.

Going to look at a home this afternoon! Keep us in your prayers, as we continue our search or a home!

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