Sunday, May 14, 2006

Tonight at IGNITE....

Tonight at IGNITE, we had an awesome night! We are in the middle of a 5 week series called "Exposed," giving a biblical view on sex. Interesting topic tonight, we discussed "sexual sin." It was a semi-tense night! I think that my students are still in shock of some of the terms that I used. It was awesome to see their faces of shock! Next week, a genuine Q&A with the students!! ! Reading through the questions it should be very interesting!

Here are some of the questions:
  1. Is making out wrong?
  2. How far is too far before getting married?
  3. Why do people look at porn?
  4. How far is too far? (Be specific!)
  5. How do you know if a guy is looking at you lustfully?
  6. How do you dress modestly?
  7. What do you do if you have already committed sexual sin?
  8. What do you do when a guy wants to go further than you want too? How do you say no?
Let you know how it goes!

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