Monday, January 29, 2007

IGNITE | 1.28.07

Topic: "From the Ground Up - Loneliness"
First-Time Visitors: 7
Student Attendance: Above Average
Volunteer Attendance: Average
Observer Attendance: Above Average
Message Length: 16 Minutes
Music: Above Average

Last night we continued our series called "From the Ground Up" and talked about Loneliness. I told the students that there were two types of lonely people: 1) lonely people who are along; 2) lonely people who are in a crowd. We also discussed loneliness from the aspect of the family. It is a pretty good chance that over 60% of our students have experienced a broken /dysfunctional home. That hit a lot of students in the face.

The Good News was two fold: 1) They did not have to be either; 2) God did not plan for them to be lonely.

Psalm 68:6, "God sets the lonely in families..." We challenged them to join the family, spiritual family of Ignite, and their small group.

Next week, we are going to challenge them with what their purpose is in the family and how it works best when they are involved and doing their part. Also, drawing a correlation from the Super Bowl and how teams become championship teams when everyone does their part!

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